There are several OHSE requirements that you need to comply with. Our system makes a very positive difference in protecting your employees from many of the hazards of working in the solid waste management environment. Let’s take a look at how using our ATM is going to help you protect your workers and prevent time lost to on-the job-injuries.
Applicability Requirements :
Any facility which stores or uses material which may present a hazard to employees (requires MSDSs).
Provide information to employees regarding a hazardous chemical to which they may be exposed by means of a written hazard communication program and training. Requires labeling of hazardous material and maintaining accurate MSDSs.
Tarpomatic – 29 CFR 1910.1200Automatic Tarping Machine allows landfill employees to apply tarps without coming into direct contact with any hazardous waste.
Applicability Requirements :
For employees who have the potential for exposure to blood or other bodily fluids in the course of normal duties.
Written exposure control plan, employee training and hazard communication, personal protective equipment, preventive measures, labeling, methods of control, and waste disposal procedures.
Tarpomatic – 2 CFR 1904.2Automatic Tarping Machine allows landfill employees to apply tarps without direct contact with blood or bodily fluids in waste.
Applicability Requirements :
For all employees covered under the Act.
Record all injuries, diseases, or deaths which required medical treatment and can be attributed to the workplace using the OHSE requirement. Post summaries from previous year from February 1 to March 1 of each year. Maintain records for five years.
Tarpomatic – 29 CFR 1910.1200Basic ankle and leg type injuries are minimized by avoiding the need to walk on the working face to apply tarps manually.